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Form I-612 J-1 exceptional hardship waiver applications.
Form I-612 J-1 persecution waiver applications.
J-1 no objection waiver applications.
Physician interested government agency waivers applications, including Conrad 30 waiver applications and federal government equivalents.
J-1 interested government agency waiver applications, including HHS researcher applications.
J-2 waiver matters.
(The firm handles all kinds of J-1 and J-2 waiver applications.)
J-1 waiver appeals and federal court litigation (judicial review of J waiver denials). See Mr. Schmitt’s Litigation Summary of a list of cases.
(So far the firm’s record on USCIS Administrative Appeals Office appeals of J-1 waiver denials is 44 victories and 1 defeat, and we later obtained a waiver for the one person whose AAO appeal was rejected.)
Form I-485 adjustment of status applications, both family-based and employment-based.
Form N-400 naturalization applications.
O-1 extraordinary ability petitions.
Form I-140 EB-1 extraordinary ability and outstanding researcher petitions.
Form I-140 EB-2 National Interest Waiver petitions.
Form I-751 petitions to remove the condition on conditional residence status.
Other miscellaneous matters.
In addition, the firm has been successful many times in federal court litigation, especially involving challenges to State Department denials of J-1 waiver applications, even though this is commonly thought to be impossible. See Mr. Schmitt’s Litigation Summary of a list of cases.